My Tears Just Like The Rain Fallings
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Before the Rain
2012-12-08 | 08:07 | 0 Rain[s]
It's sadness.

I tried to not crying in night for
those who didn't deserve it
but I can't.
Really can't stop my tears to fall down

aq tk tahu kenape aq rase mcam
serabut dgn semua orng.
Tk tahu kenape rase mcam nk nangis.
Even dgn my parents pon 
aq layan macam nak xnak jer. 
*tears start falling down*
aq xmacam hari lain..
Aq jadi pendiam malam nie..
Sebabkan aq kebosanan dan kesedihan dan keserabutan and all!

My friend,, where r you??
Mane kawan2 aq yg pernah kenal aq dlu??
Yg pernah mengile sesama aq dulu??
Tpi skrang,, hanya ad aq dan lagu..

Yee, tk kan ad sesiapa pun termasuk umi akn fham ak.
Tk akn ad.
Sbb ap?
Sbb aq xpernah crite tntang perasaan aq kt sesapa pon.
Sbb xder sape yg peduli pon.
Mmg aq xmcm orng lain.
Aq special :)

Aq xselalu kuat tapi akn aq selalu senyum! :)

Old Post
You've Stuck

Hai Peeps .
sory , no word.
Before The Rain